Sunday, October 9, 2011

{nine} Sunday Stash

A bit of a collection today for a Sunday Stash.  Denyse Schmidt!

First there was the Picnic and Fairgrounds collection.

Then came Winding Roads.

This led to the need to make a new friend overseas so I could add the US exclusive fabrics from these ranges to my DS collection.  The above photo is a combination of Sugar Creek and Picnic and Fairgrounds not available in Australia.  Thanks Alecia!

It has me excited about a quilt to come when I see all these together.  A Mosaic Block quilt? A Spiderweb Block quilt? Both?

I am now just waiting on the soon to be released Salty Aire Collection before I start sewing :)


  1. What lovely little piles Becky!

  2. Gorgeous stash, all of your fabrics looks so pretty together they'll make the most amazing quilt.


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