Saturday, April 7, 2012

Children's Theatre - The Gruffalo's Child

We love the book The Gruffalo's Child, so when I saw the show on the local theatre programme I booked tickets for myself and the children.

I believe one of the most important things you can do with your children is read to them.  Literacy skills begin with even the most simple of children's books.  Both of my children love to read and already they have an extensive home library.  I hope they continue to love books.

He will not smile!

I was worried that they would not enjoy the live show but both children sat at watched it happily and Possum did the actions and sang out as directed.  It was a lot of fun.  I did get a giggle when we sat down looking at the set before it started and Possum said 'not much of a show yet' and looked at me as if I should make it hurry up.  Also funny was Possum telling me that the show used more words than the book so she wasn't sure if they did it right.  It would have been a very short play if they stuck to the script as written in the book!

I will keep an eye on the programme as we had so much fun that I am sure there is more theatre in our future. 


  1. Have you seen the BBC adaptations of the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's child? They are firm favourites with my daughter.
    I really want to take her to the stage show one of these days. Glad your two enjoyed it.

  2. We saw this - wasn't it great - I love theatre too - the girls and their dad went and saw "James and the Giant Peach" these holidays.
    We also saw "Hairspray" which they loved, there's been lots of dancing since!


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