Monday, March 26, 2012

Peppy the Pony

New saddle, boots and reins = expensive

New pony = a lot more expensive

Riding in your pj's one afternoon = priceless!

Peppy joins our existing pony Lily.  Now we have one for both children which is a lot more fun.  Pony club, here we come!


  1. That is totally ace!

    I wanna go riding in my PJs now.

  2. Miss Possum looks cute up there...PJ's and all!

  3. Cuuuute!! Possum in the Pj's is cuter than the pony - though Peppy is pretty nice too.

  4. How cute is that!!! Ella would love a pony too. I sold mine a few years ago and the husband is keen to stay far away from the horseworld.


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