Thursday, November 12, 2009

Free to Good Home

Two children....

The big one has flu and may (will) cause sleepless nights featuring sniffles, crying, coughing and temperatures.

The small one got less than glowing reviews on his Gross Motor skills at his check up yesterday as well as raising concerns into his ability to hear well. This also added to my lack of sleep but we will know more after further testing next week.

NB: I don't really want to give them away, maybe you could take them just long enough for me to have a nap :) And feel free to mow my lawn too ;)


  1. Oh Becky, you sound sooo tired. Of course we know you don't want to give them away but when thoughts like that creep in - even when you know you are not serious - it is often a sign of extreme fatigue and worry. Hang in there and do whatever you need to, to get through this.

  2. Sure Bec bring them over ... More the Merrier :) lol.
    Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight :)

  3. If I was close I would - they are sooooo cute!
    Virtual hugs coming your way ;)

  4. bless your heart. no sleep is no good for you. i SO feel your pain.

  5. I wonder if the slower motor skills have to do with the hearing lack. I have friends with quite bad hearing loss who act differently to others just because they are not part of all that goes on around them. One friend gets stuck into whatever task is front of him and concentrates soley(?) on it and another smiles through his discussions with horrid people because he can't really grasp all they are saying. Hope all works out in the sleep department. Hugs Cherrie

  6. You have a lovely kids! Hope they get better soon and you will get some sleep!

    Have a lovely day.

  7. Geez louise this sounds familiar! The joys of motherhood are endless that's for sure. We'll miss them when they leave home in their 20s :)

  8. I hope you get a bit of sleep. Sure, I would have them if you were a bit closer. My kids love anyone younger than them :)

  9. Throw in a couple of coffees, some magic elves & a plane flight and I'll be there in a jiffy ;)

    Hope the worries ease for you after next weeks appt and you manage to find some sleep somewhere in your day or night ;)

  10. Ah, Becky you poor thing. Hang in there. It's tough, but you're not alone.

  11. It sounds like things are really hard at the moment. Bad sleep makes everything seem soooo much harder for me, and it seems tough enough at your place already. I hope you find some rest time this weekend, and that things next week go okay. x


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