Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Santa Photo

Next year, remind me to smile...


  1. This makes me smile! Hoping next year you dont have to be in the photo. This is my fear. Ella was fine with Santa first year (she was a week old and had no choice) the next year she would not go near him. I have given up each year after that. Was going try again this year, but maybe I will give it a miss again as I dont want to have to be in the photo

  2. LOL - IM sure in years to come you will be able to look back on these photos and laugh.

    Nic xxx

  3. Santa photos are designed to tell a story. You'll look back and love that you had it done. Santa photos are serious business ;-p

  4. I'm smiling too :)
    i think I will miss the days I DONT get to sit in on the photo ;)

  5. That's a keeper!! Some of our best shots are with a horrific Santa & children not enjoying the experience. Don't worry about not smiling, you beat the shots where there is a reassuring arm coming in from an angle to comfort a child, they always look weird. Love Posie

  6. LOL - did you think that you were getting your passport photo done?
    Ahh the memories we will have in years to come when we look back at Santa photos (I possibly think - why did we even bother!)

  7. Don't panic as the Master looks so unhappy. You might manage to get them both smiling next year without you being in it. Still a great photo- Awesome uncle Brad


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