While sitting up on a late shift at 1am on Sunday morning waiting for Possum's fever to break I decided that some quick and simple sewing project was in order.

I chose a Tag Monster as something different because I had everything I needed in my stash of goodies. I was a bit lazy with the hand stitching sections and played with some decorative machine options instead but I think it all worked well enough.
A friend sent me a package for the new bub and there were some great bibs in there from 'Cotton on kids'. I decided that I could make my own so I now have a production line of 18 bibs on the go. It is a great way to use up two old bath sheets for the terry backing and some remnants and off cuts that I already had for the fronts. I am using the decorative band from the towel ends as the button bands.

While we were house bound and sewing Sam was outside keeping an eye on things for us... Our chooks are doing very well and laying three eggs a day which is more than we need so have been cooking a lot of late. No need to panic, Sam may look hungry but the chooks are very good at chasing her away when they are sick of her.
I am posting my apologies here, I have not been as good as I would like about replying to comments, and visiting Blogs with everything else that has been going on, but I am trying, and I will get there again soon :)