Saturday, July 30, 2011

Slow Saturday

After a big week with The Mr away and a sick boy we had a slow Saturday. 

We got a load of wood from the creek paddock and we packed a picnic.  We ate roast beef sandwiches on home made bread and we listened to the birds. 

We stopped to enjoy the sunshine and the children loved it, I loved that we didn't even have to leave home to do it.  Perfect!  I even loved watching my picnic blanket dry on the gate while we packed up.


Enjoy your weekend :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Simple Things

When your baby boy has been sick, and you are tired and don't feel that great yourself maybe a home grown egg with some home made multigrain bread and a side of bacon will help...

...and don't forget the coffee.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Around the Block ~ Kate

Another couple of bee blocks for Around the Block.

Kate of Two Little Banshees sent out a variety of fabric and asked for blocks that included crosses.
The two above are 6.5 inches and 10.5 inches.  I really enjoyed piecing these together and I can't wait to see the quilt when it is done.

I only have one more block to go and I am finished this bee.  I have all my blocks back already so maybe then I will have time to piece my top?  Or maybe the top from round 1? Or maybe not ;)


In non sewing news, I did add the recipe to the Pastisio Pie post below.  I had meant to do it at the time, but Blogger was playing up and I gave up.  Sorry about that.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

28 Hours

We were only away for 28 hours, but we did an awful lot in that time.  If you ask Possum she will tell we you went on 2 planes, 4 taxis, 1 train and 1 bus and stayed in 1 motel.

We also ate fish and chips at Circular Quay, went to the Queen Victoria Building to the ABC Shop and also called in to Kinokuniya which is my favourite book shop.  I didn't buy too much because I was trying to be good (ha ha!).

And then there was SBS Insight.  It was a lot of fun and I am grateful for the experience.  Jenny was lovely, as was all of the crew.  At this point we are not sure when it will air, but I have been told a copy of the dvd will be sent to me.

Blue did not like the plane on the trip out.  There were tears and we played Fruit Ninja as a distraction which was semi successful.  On the way home I gave him a lollipop which turned him into a happy flyer.  I am not usually one to resort to junk food, but it has it's place!

I was very glad to get home.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Cat

9 days ago I went to town to run a couple of quick jobs and I came home with a cat.  Thankfully this is not the norm on a quick trip to town!  He was looking for a home and had been desexed.  I had mice, and no cat, so it seemed like a good idea.

He spent the first night inside and he actually liked the children's rough housing.  Blue would pick him up to carry him upside down but there was purring, and no scratching so I didn't step in.

The next day I put him in the workshop.  I am not an indoors cat kind of person.  We didn't see the cat for 7 days.  I was worried but he was sleeping in there and eating the cat food.

Yesterday he came out from under the house for a quick pat.  Yesterday evening he came up to the door so we let him in for some milk and more children cuddles before letting him back out.  This is more what I fancied cat ownership to be like!

I hope he is eating lots of mice!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pastisio Pie

Looks good doesn't it!


200g penne
1 tbs olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
500g  mince
500g tomato pasta sauce
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
340g bechamel or carbonara sauce (I make a white sauce instead)
2 eggs
1/2 cup cheese

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c
Grease and line a 22cm round springform pan
Cook pasta for 8 minutes or until tender, drain and return to pan

Meanwhile, heat oil fry onion and garlic
Add mince and cook until brown
Stir in pasta sauce, cinnamon and 1/4 cup of water
Simmer uncovered for about 5 minutes, add to pasta

Combine white sauce and eggs
Add half white sauce mix to pasta and combine
Place pasta in springform pan and smooth surface
Pour over remaining white sauce to cover
Sprinkle with cheese
Bake approx 30 minutes until golden
Stand for 20 minutes before removing pan

Can be frozen in portions for up to 3 months, thaw in fridge overnight and bake in an oven for 15-20 minutes until reheated.
Recipes+ May2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Best test knit

I was very lucky to get the chance to test knit Girls best cardigan for Tikki.  I have been finished awhile, but the blog has been somewhat neglected so have not shown it off here before now.

I knit the 26" chest, or size 7 cardigan.  Possum will grow into it but I was lucky to have Miss J step in as a model in the meanwhile.  This is a wonderful knit.  It has a lovely lace panel down the sides on the front and clever gathers on the sides and sleeves.  As the name suggests, it is the best cardigan.

I don't think I can wait for Possum to grow into this one, so plan to knit her one for now as well in a size 3 with extra length.  She can't wait.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Catch Up!

Things have been very busy here of late and I have not had much time to think about blogging.  I did try the other day, but it just happened to be the day Blogger broke, typical!

I have been closely watching the happenings in relation to the live export debate.  This is an issue close to my heart because if you look at my employment history about 90% of it has been in the agricultural/beef sector.  If you don't know as much about this ban as you would like I have linked some references and interesting videos HERE.  There is a POLL HERE TO SUPPORT Australian beef farmers, please have a look and add your name.

I have also enrolled in a Bachelor of Education.  Busy times ahead!!