I have been enjoying time at home, catching up on jobs and commitments and re-discovering the art of colouring in, much to the delight of Miss Possum, who's favourite colour crayon just happens to be the one in my hand, without fail...

I have also been making gift tags for swap items, and am now kicking myself as I have realised that I didn't put any in with my items for the Snailblazer swap. I used pictures from an old secondhand copy of Pigling Bland. I still have the larger colour prints from the book which I will turn into cards on of these days.
The coloured card is left over scraps from my recipe swap creations each month. I posted off my latest recipe swap efforts this morning so now I am all up to date with that as well.
I will be Making it Perfect as well! I got excited the other day and ordered some new patterns from Kelani which all turned up today. My sewing machine is in for a service which will give me time to draw up the patterns, buy the fabric and get organised. Which one to do first... Maybe some overalls for Possums Winter wardrobe.

I also bought this Michael Miller
Dick and Jane quilt kit while I was dropping my sewing machine and overlocker in for their service. I told DH (Dear Husband) that I was going to make it for Miss Possums birthday. It is 50"x50" so I will work out how to make it into a quilt for her bed, which she will be in by then.
I have had an email to say my order from Duckcloth is in the mail so I will soon have some Oliver + S pajamas to make as well! Never a dull moment.
I made myself a new Blog Header which is much nicer than the old template header that I had. I almost feel... professional?
And last but not least, I have been entering a lot of giveaways. I have provided links to a lot of them over the last few posts so go back and have a look as there is some great stuff up for grabs in Blog land at the moment. Maybe I will even be lucky enough to win something myself!