Thursday, November 22, 2012

What is Craft?

Sewing is craft.

Sewing badges on uniforms is not...

This seasons Little Athletics badges are now on the children's club shirts.  There is one on the back too, four badges per shirt and my children are too young to compete; why did I bother?

And the Mr's 'Bush Fire Fighting' (BF) badge from the N.S.W Rural Fire Service turned up in the mail so that has been sewn on too.

Better than nothing I guess, but NOT craft.  I postponed the camping trip we had planned until after this run of assignment due dates is past.  I hope this will let me take knitting or hand sewing away on the trip rather than work.  Fingers are crossed anyway!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Month That Was...

I have spent the past month on practicum as part of my uni course.  It was busy and so tiring!  The past month has been full of good things but I didn't get around to blogging them with everything else that was happening.  There are a couple of things worth a special mention...
On October 20th Possum lost her first tooth.  She was so excited about this but I felt a little sad that we are at this stage already, she seems so small to have that toothy grin!

Then, to make matters worse yesterday she lost the one next to it.  The tooth fairy visited both times with a $2 coin and she is now waiting for the next lot to go so she can cash in.

Possum and Blue also played with their step cousin (who is so very cute!) when she came to watch Possum ride in the pony club Gymkhana, I am yet to blog the photos of that event; there are heaps!!

Now that my prac is over (and it was awesome) I am back into the swing of uni again for the summer semester.  The fun never stops around here!